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The Ø-dyssey

NORTH: The tip of Denmark and 13 northern offshore islands that showcast the dramatic clash of mainland Europe and Scandinavia

If we only had to pick one place to go in Denmark it could be the tip of Denmark – from Thy National Park in North West along the ocean to Skagen in North, where the landmass juts dramatically out into the sea on all sides. This is the expiration of mainland Europe, where mainland Europe meets Scandinavia. Or to be more precise: this top part of Denmark is actually an island, the northernmost island in mainland Europe, split from mainland Jutland by the enormous fiord, Limfjord.

This part of Denmark is breathtakingly beautiful with a dramatic coastline and beaches of which parts can seem incredibly remote and empty, especially offseason. These windswept western and northern coasts are a windsurfer’s paradise with beautiful but harsh landscapes, endless white beaches, sand dunes, cliffs, and forests. The sight of trees bending east from the sheer force of the prevailing wind and sand dunes eating away houses and churches is bizarre. This region also offers many small picturesque settlements, some of the freshest seafood in Denmark, and several on-the-beach shelters where we have camped for the night.



Hiking, camping, diving and sailing excursions to "the tip" of Denmark" and its 13 unique islands


Oh, that special luminous light on the tip! We have found many times that this part of Denmark produces a very special light and more hours of sunshine than the rest of Denmark. In addition to the Tip of Denmark there are 13 distinct islands in this area that are all must-visit destinations for savvy island-hopping nerds.


In the Limfjord, a number of small islands invites for treks along a hilly and very distinctive landscapes. They are Venø, Mors, Agerø, Fur, Livø and Jegindø in the Central-Western part of the fiord. In the Eastern part, the single island Egholm, which is nice for fishing trips, lies is solitude. Close by in the fiords of Stadil and Nissum, the remote islands of Hindø and Fjandø, respectively, are located and can only be visited by kayak or SUP.


Finally, in the wind-swept Kattegat Ocean lies four magnificent islands. The largest is Læsø known for great nature and it’s otherworldly local houses with roofs made of seaweed. The second largest marsh area in Denmark is located South of Læsø, and it hosts one significant island named Hornfiskerøn – a desolate but beautiful island which historically has been a place for open-pan salt making. Next by is a small unpopulated outcrop in the ocean, Nordre Rønner island, with a beautiful lighthouse. Finally, Hirsholmene is a small cluster of stony islands – the Northernmost islands in Denmark – which resemble more a piece of the rocky coastline in Sweden than anywhere in Denmark.

Background information about the Ø-dyssey project and our selection of 130 islands to be visited in total can be found here.


Check out our other Ø-dyssey travel sites:

This part

PART II: Islands off Central & Southern Jutland

PART III: Islands in the Belts, North Funen, Ærø & Langeland

PART IV: South Funen Archipelago 

PART V: Islands off Zealand

PART VI: Bornholm & Erteholmene

PART VII: The South Sea Islands


Selected pics from all islands - part I:

© Anders M. Pedersen & Jakob M. Pedersen. All photos have been taken by Anders & Jakob.

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