"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.

"Travelling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller",
by Ibn Battuta.
Our journeys are bold and ambitious, and perhaps the flagship of this homepage.
Although we are also trekking and island nerds, our journeys are sorts of trailblazing travel expeditions which are unique, challenging and adventurous, and thus they epitomize our spirit within adventure.
Often, the regions, countries and places we visit during our journeys take on an exotic quality. What matters is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. Often, we might have to overcome a bit of hardship and logistical challenges since our journeys most often don’t run smoothly. This is all part of the fun.
In our view, a journey is something you would recommend to others. To us, what really matters, is to get away from the established routes and seek something that little bit more special and authentic. We are not talking about the ultimate expedition, but to move away from the familiar, out of the comfort zone, where everyday situations and events take on an exotic quality.
From Europe to the Himalayas along
Part II
From Europe to the Himalayas along
Part II
From Europe to the Himalayas along
Part III
From Europe to the Himalayas along
Part III
Exploring the less beaten paths of the world
- look, read, dream, travel!

Exploring the jewels of
The Jewels of Islam's Crown and our view on Iran's top five cities: Esfahan, Shiraz, Yazd, Teheran and Tabriz
Could Iran be the friendliest country on earth?
During our first visit, this old Persian empire didn’t fail to get under our skin. As wide-eyed first-timer’s we fell instantly in love with the warm-hearted people, legendary hospitality, bombastic nature, and signature Islamic architecture and art – single handedly, all of these are reasons enough to visit.
Now, as frequent visitors, we are still amazed, and when bumping into other world travelers during our many journeys we can always identify people with a common passion for Iran by their shiny eyes and big smiles as the question is mentioned: "Have you been to Iran?"
Location: Iran, during 2 months
This page is dedicated to what we coin as Classical Persia with a focus on the five main cities: Esfahan, Shiraz & Persepolis, Yazd, Teheran, and Tabriz – and a focus on portraying the Iranian people. We uncover several of the old, magical silk road cities and bazars and some of the most beautiful architecture on the planet. As mentioned, Iran's greatest attraction could just be its people.
Actually, we've seen much more of Iran - a really is vast country. Comprising the size of the UK, France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland all combined, it is a land of great contrasts, physically, climatically and culturally.
We've traveled in the North, mostly off-the-beaten-track, from Iranian Azerbaijan to Tehran along Jolfa, Tabriz, Mausuleh, Kandovan, Zanjan, Lahijan and Rasth. Many of these places were part of the old Silk Road (see our 'Hippy Trail I' site for more info). We've travled in the West in the Kurdish regions (see our 'Kurdistan' site on Iranian Kurdistan). We've seen the Central and Sourthern parts from Qom and Kashan, over Esfahan, Shahr-e Kord, Na'in, Tabas, Kharnaq, Yazd, Chak Chak, Meybod and Garmeh to Bandar Abbas, Minab and Zahedan. Along the way we've explored several historic sites, including Ardalan, Kizerun, Bishapur, Persepolis and Parsargadae, while also spending time in the Dast-e Kavir desert and the Lut desert, Iran's two largest deserts, with charming oasis villages and sand castles (see our 'Hippy Trail II' site for more info on these parts). Oh, and finally, we’ve also been exploring the Gulf and the Sea of Oman, marking Iran’s southern limits (see our 'Persian Gulf' site for more info), and we've also climbed climbed 'Damavand', the highest mountain in the Middle East.
Being a nation made up of numerous ethnic groups and influenced over thousands of years by Greek, Arab, Turkic and Mongol occupiers, history has put is mark on the endlessly welcoming Iranians. It is impossible to return even from a short visit without being compelled to consider your own stance on kindness and generosity.
Selected pics from this encounter:

Pretty girl in the Shahrestan area of Esfahan. Today, about 1.5 million live here. Back in the 1600s it had the same size of London with about 600.000 inhabitants.

Since ancient times, the sheer scale of Esfahan and the beauty of its buildings had amazed most foreign visitors who marvelled at the turquoise domes and the dramatic minarets. It is said to be three times the size of St Mark's Square, Venice. Now the square has lawns and fountains, but it was once a royal parade ground where tje sjajs watched military exercises, wrestling bouts and polo matches. The mosque is some of the most impressive mosaic tilework on earth.

In 1598, Esfahans fortunes changed for the good and the town planning began immediately with the construction of the Chahar Bagh gards and the the main square with its royal buildings and mosques. In 1660, Esfahan had 162 mosques, 1802 caravanserais, 48 colleges and 273 public baths to serve around 600.000 people.

Is this the best mosaic tilework in the world? Through the great silver doors of 1636, an inside country yard is set at a 45 degrees angle necessary for the correct direction toward Mecca. Walking slowly around the mosque allowed us to see the astonishing range i the tile colouring and patterns on the walls, vaults and side domes. The peacock motifs on the entrance also feature at the Ardabil and Mashhad shrines.

...is a known proverb globally, and it could be taken to imply that the city is home to a large number of historic monuments, which is exactly the case. It is impossible to do justice to them all.

Named after a famous preacher, this mosque functioned as the mosque for the ladies of the royal harem.

Esfahan fell to the Arab Muslims in 643 and quickly gained a reputation for its textiles. Even today its bazaars are loaded with carpets and other texitle products. Besides textile, the bazaar has many more shops, including a couple selling the famous Isfahani gaz nougat.

Esfahan is actually quite famous for its river and its many beautiful bridges. The picture shows Khaju Bridge. In august however the river was completely dry.

He tried to speak English as he had once been in England before the 1979 revolution in Iran where the shah left and the country went from open to closed under Khomeini.

This guy covered the front-page of the 4th edition of Lonely Planet on Iran , and he was very proud to let us know.

The main bazaar

Most overlanders come to Shriaz to visit nearby Persepolis, but Shiraz itself is quite nice with several gardens, citrus trees and pools.

The bazar is similar to what you will find in Esfahan or Tehran, but the caravanserai in the middle of town is superb.